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The Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership has an online booking system for all our training course bookings. If you are new to using this system, please refer to our one minute guide on how to use it.

If you have been made a ‘delegate manager’ for your organisation by a website admin and would like some guidance of how it works please click here

Please note that the PSCP training is provided both in-person and via Microsoft Teams, which can be downloaded through the app store or accessed on the web here. Once booked, you will receive joining details 2 working days before the course date.

Below is a brief summary of all the multi-agency training and masterclasses that we currently offer. For more details on their content and to book a place please visit our online booking system.

Should you wish to enquire about booking single agency training or request a bespoke training package, then please complete this form and return to Any other enquiries or questions you have, please also go to the same email or contact us on 02392 83 4404

If you are a healthcare professional or a designated safeguarding lead (or deputy DSL) in an education setting, please see the pages below which set out the PSCP training opportunities to help meet you the specific requirements for these roles.

For information on identifying and responding to domestic abuse training for professionals, please see the Domestic Abuse page on our website.

Basic awareness of safeguarding children – For everyone working with children directly or indirectly, working with adults who are parents in Portsmouth or working within a community setting where you come into contact with families. To support the recognition of potential indicators of child abuse and neglect, and be able to identify what action to take when you have safeguarding concerns (3 hours)

Early help – Using the FSP – To support and equip key professionals with knowledge and skills to undertake ‘early help’ practice and effectively use the Family Support Plan (full day)

Child protection – To support and equip key professionals with knowledge and skills to promote good practice in child protection. This training is for designated/named/lead professionals with responsibilities with regards to making inter-agency contacts to MASH, attending child protection conferences and/or working with children on child protection plans (full day)

Child exploitation – To raise awareness of safeguarding specific issues focusing on child sexual exploitation, child criminal exploitation, missing and trafficked. To know how to use related local protocols, processes and practice (full day)

Safeguarding supervision – For those who currently have a role in providing safeguarding children supervision, support and guidance for practitioners (full day)

Safer Recruitment in school and college settingsThis course gives participants the information and understanding they need to recruit safely and comply with relevant statutory guidance. Participants gain the skills they need to ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of their recruitment decisions.

Safer Recruitment for wider children’s workforce – This course gives participants in the wider children’s workforce the essential information and understanding they need to recruit safely and thereby help protect children from harm. Participants gain the skills they need to ensure that safeguarding is at the heart of their recruitment decisions.

To see the dates available and to book a space please follow this link to visit our online booking system.


Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): An introduction to ACEs, stress, brains, trauma and resilience – To understand what ACEs are and begin to examine trauma informed practice (3 hours)

Empowering professionals to effectively safeguard children from pre-birth to 3yrs – To have an awareness of the vulnerabilities of infants; to understand how the unborn/newborn baby protocol, bruising protocol, safer sleep protocol and ICON can be used in practice to safeguard infants; and to consider how a relational approach can empower you to have conversations with parents about these critical safeguarding messages (3 hours)

Level 3 Safeguarding Children Training for 0-19 Service (Solent) – To provide a safe space to further extend critical safeguarding children skills, knowledge and confidence.

Introduction to the Local Authority Designated Officer 

Advanced Level Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)

We regularly run new courses and have a range of other additional courses to look at. Above is just a ‘snippet’.

Please follow click the link here to see all PSCP courses

Please note a pre-requisite for attending any of these masterclasses is that you have previously attended child exploitation training and/or have experience working within this area.

Child exploitation risk assessment framework (CERAF) will introduce the CERAF and provide best practice guidance on when and how to use it to consider the level of vulnerability for children at risk of exploitation (1½ hours)

Consider your language: victim blaming – to help you identify what victim blaming language is, consider the impact this can have upon children and their families, and to consider appropriate language to use when describing concerns about exploitation

Preventing online child sexual exploitation – An introduction to “Thinkuknow” – supporting you to deliver education and raise awareness of online child abuse and exploitation (two 3hours, you need to attend both sessions)

The national referral mechanism (NRM) – To provide a brief overview of the  Modern Slavery Act 2015 & To explain the application of  the national referral mechanism (NRM) for children/YP in Portsmouth

Please follow the link here to access the exploitation courses

Relational and Restorative Practice Introduction – will help you understand the history, principles & supporting framework of RP; know what skills are needed to work ‘with’ others restoratively; and be able to apply key RP concepts to practice and organisations (3 hours).

Relational and Restorative Practice Development – will refresh and develop RP knowledge and skills; explore the barriers to embedding restorative practice as well as learning from success; and support you in applying key RP concepts to practice (3 hours). Delegates need to have previously completed an RP Course.

Relational and Restorative Practice – Facilitating Circles and Meetings – will help you understand the values and purpose of a restorative meeting; and be confident in facilitating a restorative meeting (3 hours). Delegates need to have previously completed an RP Course.

Bespoke offer – for groups/teams (max 20) looking to embed restorative practice. Drawing from the three sessions above the content is specifically curated to enable whole teams/groups to understand and embed RP.

Action learning – 90 minute monthly facilitated action learning over 6 months, for groups who have completed the introduction and development training and want to embed RP in their practice.

To commission bespoke work or action learning please email to discuss your training needs.

The information available here is also the basis for the Restorative Practice One Minute Guide.

Please follow the link here to access the Restorative Practice courses

This training has been developed by Hampshire and they have kindly made it available to Portsmouth colleagues

An introduction to honour based abuse, forced marriage and dowry – To develop an understanding of these issues, how to recognise signs that they may be occurring and to understand the relevant laws and reporting duties (1½ hours)

An introduction to breast ironing – To improve the awareness of breast ironing, enable the recognition of the signs and symptoms and to know the process for referring concerns in line with agreed local processes (1½ hours)

An introduction to female genital mutilation – To increase knowledge and understanding on the types of FGM, why/how it’s performed and the associate health risks; to improve understanding of the prevalence of FGM locally; know the process for referring concerns in line with agreed local processes (1½ hours)

An introduction to child abuse linked to faith and beliefs (CALFB) – To understand how to identify the signs & symptoms of this type of abuse, and to know the process for referring concerns in line with agreed local processes

Modern slavery & human trafficking – To help being able to identify the types of exploitation involved; and provide an understanding of the current legislative framework and processes that support victims (2½ hours).

Please follow the link here to access the Harmful Practices courses

To protect children and young people from harm, and help improve their wellbeing, all healthcare staff must have the competencies to recognise child maltreatment, opportunities to improve childhood wellbeing, and to take effective action as appropriate to their role.

Safeguarding/child protection competencies are a combination of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values that are required for safe and effective practice. Working Together signposts healthcare organisations to the intercollegiate safeguarding framework and states that ‘All staff working in healthcare services – including those who predominantly treat adults – should receive training to ensure they attain the competencies appropriate to their role and follow the relevant professional guidance’.

Different staff groups require different levels of competence depending on their role, their level of contact with children, young people and families/or contact with any adult who has responsibilities for children through work and hobbies, the nature of their work, and their level of responsibility. All staff working in a healthcare setting must know what to do if there is a safeguarding/child protection concern involving a child or family, know the referral procedure, which includes knowing whom to contact within their organisation to communicate their concerns or seek safeguarding advice.

Safeguarding children and young people: roles and competencies for healthcare staff

The intercollegiate document provides a clear framework which identifies the competencies required for all healthcare staff. Levels 1-3 relate to different occupational groups, while level 4 and 5 are related to specific roles. This document sets out the specific education and training requirements for each of these, below is a brief overview of levels 1-3.

Level 1 – At this level, learners need to be able to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect; know how to report concerns whilst maintaining confidentiality; and be able to follow relevant safeguarding procedures.

Jobs roles in a healthcare setting might include administrative workers, receptionists, catering staff, cleaners, HR staff, health and safety officers, drivers, laboratory staff, transport staff, porters, maintenance staff and volunteers.

Level 2 – The learners who require level 2 safeguarding training will have an increased number of responsibilities. They will need the necessary skills to participate in a safeguarding enquiry and report and record their concerns to assist such enquiries. They will also need to be able to effectively communicate with individuals at risk and gain the knowledge to identify potential abuse.

Jobs roles in a healthcare settings might include: ambulance workers (paramedics require level 3), welfare rights workers, community pharmacists, rehabilitation workers, housing and counsellors.

Level 3 – Undertaking Level 3 safeguarding training implies that the individual has an extremely active role in any safeguarding situation and requires the knowledge to help shape the safeguarding policies of their workplace. At this level those responsible will be able to contribute and manage safeguarding plans for individuals. This level of training is appropriate for those who have a direct responsibility for investigating, reporting and recording any safeguarding concerns, and confidently contributing to inter-agency assessments.

Jobs roles in a healthcare setting might include care workers, doctors, GP, nurses, school, nurses, mental health staff and safeguarding professionals.

The Intercollegiate Document encourages staff to engage in training that is both inter-disciplinary and multi-agency in order to share best practice, learn from serious incidents and to develop professional networks.

In addition to the training offered within your own organisation, the PSCP offers a range of multi-agency training opportunities that support the training requirements and are free of charge for all staff working in Portsmouth from NHS funded organisations to access.

Multi-agency safeguarding training courses

Each level has been designed to match the level of safeguarding responsibility the learner has in their role. You should discuss you training requirements with your manager to agree which courses best meet your learning needs.

PSCP courses available

Level 1 and 2

  • Basic awareness of safeguarding children (3hours)

Level 3

  • Early help (full day)
  • Child protection (full day)
  • Child exploitation (full day)
  • Preventing online child sexual exploitation (two 3hour workshops)
  • Consider your language: victim blaming (2 hours)
  • Adverse childhood experiences (3 hours)
  • Empowering professionals to effectively safeguard children from pre-birth to 3yrs (3 hours)
  • Safeguarding supervision (full day)
  • Resources for effective safeguarding conversations (1½ hours)
  • Managing allegations and the role of the local authority designated officer (3 hours)

Online training courses

We have also introduced additional online training courses, with the support of our Designated Doctor, that fulfil the requirement of level 3.

  • Bruising protocol for non mobile infants
  • Medical examinations for suspected child sexual abuse
  • Safeguarding children with disabilities
  • Process for safeguarding medical examinations

A password is required to access these training sessions and is changed every 6 months. This will be sent to service leads or you can contact PSCP directly for the password update.

Once you have completed the training session you can download and complete the training certificate.

For all enquiries about our training programme, making single agency bookings or for help, please contact: / 02392 834404

To find dates and to book a course please visit at

The DSL role has two elements:

  1. Child level safeguarding – identifying needs and making decisions for children’s welfare and safety. Knowing Portsmouth practices and processes, including effective knowledge of the Portsmouth Thresholds is essential for making child level decisions.
  2. Safeguarding leadership – driving safeguarding practice and embedding a safeguarding culture in your school.

For those new to the DSL or deputy role, it is advisable to undertake training which supports the ability to understand and act accordingly to child level safeguarding concerns.  The PSCP offers 2 training courses to support this:

  • Early help – full day training
  • Child protection – full day training

For more information on these courses please click here.  To book, please visit the PSCP training website (the PSCP also offers a whole range of other safeguarding training which DSLs are welcome to book on)

The PSCP also offers a full day face to face learning space for DSLs to increase their safeguarding knowledge and cover the following:

  • To identify current changes in law and guidance which helps to keep children safe from harm
  • To access support from other DSLs & DDSLs in finding creative ways forward to current problems / challenges faced (solution focussed circles)
  • To have a spotlight focus on LADO and creating a safer culture in schools
  • Characterise the component parts of professional curiosity and how this impacts on decision making

Further to the above offer, the PSCP offers a range of LIVE masterclasses for DSLs and their deputies to embed further good and effective safeguarding leadership knowledge and skills. The following masterclasses cover a range of topics to support DSLs to drive safeguarding practice and embed a safeguarding culture in school. All delivered on Microsoft Teams.

  • Embedding the FSP into policy & practice (how we do Early Help in Portsmouth)
  • Contacting MASH – getting the right help for children and families
  • Cyber choices
  • Developing a safeguarding culture
  • Escalation – right conversation at the right time
  • Masterclass on consent
  • Relational and restorative safeguarding conversations
  • National & local context for safeguarding children
  • Safeguarding decision making

For those DSLs who need to ‘refresh’ safeguarding training, please select a range of masterclasses according to your own identified strengths and development areas.


For further information, to discuss your safeguarding training needs or to enquire about INSET and/or bespoke safeguarding training for your school, please contact

Please click here to see our current DSL Training offer

DSL One to One support

The PSCP is offering the opportunity for DSLs to engage in one-to-one safeguarding coaching. This coaching would be a series of safeguarding conversations which aim to develop insight and perspective leading to action, these sessions will seek to:

  • Prioritise staff well-being
  • Protect time for necessary reflection and processing
  • Discuss and gain insight into current safeguarding challenges
  • Reflect and make decisions about things which need to change
  • Find new ways of unblocking barriers and working effectively with others

Having protected time and space to reflect upon safeguarding decisions and responsibilities would bring great value to individuals carrying out such an important role in school. The coaching sessions can be accessed virtually or face to face depending on preference. Each coaching session would be 1 hour and cost £50 / hour with a recommendation of one session per half term. To discuss more and/ or book please contact Sam Nesbit, PSCP Training Manager


In October 2020 The Department for Education (DfE) published Keeping Children Safe during Community Activities, After School Clubs and Tuition this non-statutory guidance which aims to:

  • help providers of out of school settings (OOSS) understand best practice for creating a safe environment for children in their care
  • give parents and carers confidence that their child is in a safe activity or learning environment.
  • promote the message ‘safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of children, is everyone’s responsibility’

“Safeguarding” is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

  • protecting children from maltreatment
  • preventing impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
  • taking action if you identify children to be at risk of harm

The guidance is for organisations or individuals who provide community activities, tuition or after-school clubs for children, also known as out of school settings (OOSS) providers, as well as their staff and volunteers.

  • Do you have a safeguarding and child protection policy?
  • Do you feel confident that you and your staff/volunteers know what to do if you are worried about a child?
  • Do you know how to report concerns you may have about a colleague?
  • Do you know what to do if a child make a disclosure to you or your staff?
  • Do children in your setting know who to talk to if they are worried about something or about someone?

Please note that the PSCP training is provided both in-person and via Microsoft Teams, which can be downloaded through the app store or accessed on the web here. Once booked, you will receive joining details 2 working days before the course date.

To book, please click here to see course date.

The PSCP training team has developed additional online training courses with the support of our Designated Doctor for Portsmouth on the following:

Once you have completed the training session you can download and complete the training certificate.

The PSCP training programme is part funded by PSCP partner agencies (Portsmouth City Council, Hampshire Constabulary and Portsmouth Clinical Commissioning Group), therefore for staff from these agencies there is no charge for attending any of our courses.

Private organisations and education providers including schools, colleges and early years settings are charged for attending training. Education providers are invited to access discounted rates through the Traded Services website. Organisations who have not signed up to Traded Services Agreement will be charged per delegate per course.

Voluntary Sector organisations can access multi-agency training free of charge. As above, there are costs for voluntary sector organisations for bespoke training.

Please see our charging policy that comes into effect on the 1st April 2024

Please refer to our terms and conditions for more details. If you have any queries then please contact us to discuss – / 02392 83 4404

For all enquiries about our training programme, making single agency / inset bookings or for help, please contact:

To contact our PSCP training Manager, Sam Nesbit, please email