School readiness
Action for Children – Parent Talk
Advice on anxiety for transition to school
Boogie Mites
Music classes and workshops to support early years development.
Connors Toy Library
10 stay, play and toy loan sessions across the city. Each session is between 1.5 and 2 hours long, depending on venue. The cost is £3.00 per family per session. (Sessions are free for families supported through our outreach project and families living in the Hostels and Refuge)
Email –
Phone – 02392 832926
Facebook page –
Connors Toy Library Outreach support
For support involving a home visit to look at how we can support families and their children. Assisting with visiting the toy library sessions, introducing them to other families so they can make friends, grow in confidence and self-esteem and become part of their local community
For Outreach Project, families that need support can be referred to our service or self-refer themselves.
Referral forms can be downloaded from our website: –
ECHO Programme and the Health Visiting Offer
Targeted health visiting programme offered to parents identified as requiring a Universal Partnership Plus response at Tier 3 and 4
ECHO programme includes support to families to work towards achieving positive outcomes and sustaining change, using the Early Help Assessment and Early Help process
Health visitors complete an assessment of need for every new parent. Those that meet the ECHO criteria are offered the service. Families may be identified through referral via MASH
Family Assist – Building Relationships with your Pre schooler
Information on building relationships to helps your child feel safe and give confidence to explore the world.
Parent / carers
Family hubs
Support for you and your family across Portsmouth including courses, workshops and advice clinics.
Home Start – Big Hopes Big Future
Trained volunteers are matched to families and visit them for 12 weeks They provide support in key skills and help parents to ensure good routines are in place to aid transition to school
This is a service for children in the last year before they start school
Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)
A home visiting programme for first time young mums and families. It improves child development and school readiness by offering support to young parents to assist in their child’s success
Teen parent support. This includes a specialist trained nurse to visit regularly until the child is between 1-2
For more information: The Family Nurse Partnership | (
Neurodiversity Team
Dedicated 0-19 support team for children and young people with neuro-developmental needs: family support workers, child and adolescent mental health workers, therapists, an educational psychologist and service lead
To request ND profiling training for professionals:
Education home visiting service for preschool children who have significate delays, special educational needs and/ or disabilities (SEND)
Parents/carers (child under 3)
Portage plus
A short service for children delayed in social and interaction. Weekly visits to home and EY setting
Parents/carers (child age 3+)
Rose Road Association
The Outreach Service provides support and activities in the local community or in the home to children or young adults with severe learning difficulties, physical disabilities, and/or autism
Stand Up – SEND Kids Club
Support group for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities
The parenting Network
Get set go
A five-session programme Supporting school readiness through enhanced play for children aged 3-5
Parents/ carers/ child
The Parenting Network
Get, set go for young mums
Support and Community for mums under 25. Supporting learning and school readiness through enhanced play for children 3-5 years and mums aged up to 25.
Parents/ carers/ child