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Early years provision

Name of service
Type of support
Who is it for
Name of service

Childcare choices

Type of support

This include information about the various types of funding and where parents can check so see if they are eligible for support with childcare.

Who is it for

Parent / carers

Name of service

Choosing Childcare in Portsmouth – Support for Families

Type of support

Advice on different childcare choices and available placements

Who is it for


Name of service

Early Years and Childcare Staff Directory

Type of support

Overview of Portsmouth Early Years support team

Who is it for


Name of service

EMAS (Ethnic Minority Advisory Service)

Type of support

Support for children with English as an additional language – traded service

Who is it for


Name of service

Portsmouth Early Years Facebook page

Type of support

Updates and general information for support across the city supporting Early Years

Who is it for


Name of service

Portsmouth SEND Local Offer – Early Years


Type of support

Guidance on provision and links to SEND support

Who is it for
