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Expectant/new parents/carers

Name of service
Type of support
Who is it for
Name of service

Action for children – Parent Talk

Type of support

Support and online chat and advice on areas such as parenting and relationships  and stage and development

Who is it for


Name of service

Baby Buddy app

Type of support

Support through pregnancy and parenting providing knowledge and practical skills to give the best start to your child

Who is it for


Name of service

Barnardo’s Family Space

Type of support

Advice on areas such as: Baby on the way, Baby’s first year, Toddlers and pre-schoolers.

Who is it for


Name of service

The Breastfeeding Network – Portsmouth

Type of support

Support with combination feeding, expressing or exclusively breastfeeding, offer 1-1 zoom and support groups at Family hubs

Who is it for


Name of service

ECHO Programme and the Health Visiting Offer

Type of support

Targeted health visiting programme offered to parents identified as requiring a Universal Partnership Plus response at Tier 3 and 4

Who is it for

ECHO programme includes support to families to work towards achieving positive outcomes and sustaining change, using the Early Help Assessment and Early Help process


Health visitors complete an assessment of need for every new parent. Those that meet the ECHO criteria are offered the service. Families may be identified through referral via MASH.

Name of service

Family Assist – During Pregnancy

Type of support

Information selected by Health Visitors – what you need as you prepare for parenthood.

Who is it for

Parent / carers

Name of service

Family Hubs

Type of support

A one stop shop within the community providing information and signposting free services, activities and support for families.

Who is it for

Professionals/ parents/ carers


Portsmouth Family Hub

Name of service

Healthy Eating in Pregnancy

Type of support

Guidance and link to the eat well guide

Who is it for


Name of service

Home Start Nurturing Programme

Type of support

Support to improve wellbeing for navy families  – 10 week course

Who is it for



Tel: 02392 734400

Name of service

Institute of Health Visiting

Type of support

For advice on areas such as: breastfeeding; infant formula; weight; accidental poisoning; mental health; nutrition

Who is it for


Name of service

NHS – Twins and sleep

Type of support

Guidance on sleep routines and sleep position

Who is it for


Name of service

Portsmouth bump and baby

Type of support

Information on birth preparation workshops

Who is it for

Parent/ carers

Name of service

Pregnancy Options Centre

Type of support

Pregnancy Options provides free counselling to anyone facing a pregnancy crisis or pregnancy loss.

Who is it for

Parent/ carer/grandparent

Name of service


Type of support

Advice and support in coping with a new baby, maintaining a healthy relationship after having a baby

Who is it for



New parents | Relate

Name of service

NHS – Sleep and tiredness after having a baby

Type of support

Tips to support fatigue and postnatal depression

Who is it for


Name of service

Safe Sleep for babies and Infants

Type of support

Advice on safer sleep principles and key messages

Who is it for


Name of service

Solent NHS Trust Sexual Health Service

Type of support

Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) contraception, pregnancy testing and unplanned pregnancy services

Who is it for


Name of service

Solent Child and Family Trust

Type of support

Advice and guidance on universal health, universal plus service and universal partnership plus

Who is it for

Professionals /Parents/Carers

Name of service

Safer Sleep for Babies: Every Sleep Matters

Type of support

Advice and guidance on safer sleeping practices with links to national resources

Who is it for


Name of service

Start for life

Type of support

Guidance providing information on support to give babies the best start in life

Who is it for


Name of service

The Family Information Service (FIS)

Type of support

Previously known as CHAT – tailored information, advice and guidance on: maternity leave, statutory pay and registering

Who is it for

Families with children from pre-birth to 19 and those working with families


Being a parent

Name of service

Teen parent: Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)

Type of support

A home visiting programme for first time young mums and families. It improves child development and school readiness by offering support to young parents to assist in  their child’s success. This includes a specialist trained nurse to visit regularly until the child is between 1-2

Who is it for


Name of service

Understanding your baby postnatal parenting group

Type of support

A six week course to support new parents, topics such as development, communication, feeding and weaning, childcare

Who is it for

Parent /carers

Name of service

You and Your Newborn

Type of support

Important information you need during the first few weeks with your baby.

Who is it for

Parent/ carers