SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities)
Charity supporting families with disabled children provides A-Z links and advice
Early Years Inclusion Outreach Team
Information, advice, guidance, forms and links to support children in your setting and the quality of your inclusive practice
Early Years Professionals
Early Years Panel
Pathway for children with a Special Educational Need or Disability
The children are likely to require SENDIF +. The Lead Professional (Health Visitor, a Specialist Health Visitor or EY setting lead) will consider further referrals or actions and or advise other services if they do not meet the criteria. The EYP will monitor children to ensure their needs are met in the setting and for transition to school
The setting can refer to the Early Years Panel (EYP) for children between 0-4 years
For more information and links to EYP notification form follow this link Early Years Support Panel > Portsmouth Local Offer
Enable Ability Teenage Project
Support for CYP 13 – 17 with a mild or moderate disability or SEN who reside or are educated in Portsmouth
Children and young people
Portsmouth Parent Voice
Provides support and advice for parents
Parents/carers of children with SEND
Supports decision-making re education, health and social care
Inclusion Outreach Service
Consultation, advice and support to meet children’s additional needs in mainstream settings
Tel: 02392 606060
Neurodiversity Team
Dedicated 0-19 support team for children and young people with neuro-developmental needs: family support workers, child and adolescent mental health workers, therapists, an educational psychologist and service lead
To request ND profiling training for professionals:
Parent Talk – Action for Children
Advice for parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) or additional needs
Portsmouth Local Offer
Information, support and services that PCC expects to be available for children and young people 0-25 with SEND
Portsmouth Local Offer – child & YP mental health
Services available to support children and young people with their mental health
Educational Psychology Service
Assessment to support with understanding of needs and advice for school staff, families, settings
School Transport
Information on school transport and assistance
Short breaks
Information on short breaks for parents who have children with SEND
Enable Ability
Support for children, families and carers for children with disabilities
Financial support
Advice for parents/carers for children with disabilities
Moriah Family Support Group
Moriah is a support group for parents and caregivers of children with special education/learning needs. Although open to all, we focus mainly on ethnic minority parents and caregivers
Education Advocacy
Advice for parents who have children with SEND
What Next?
Post 16 education and employment guide for young people with SEND
A leaflet sharing all the options for CYP from post 16 education through to employment.
Parents/carers and CYP