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Children’s physical health

Name of service
Type of support
Who is it for
Name of service

Action for children

Parent Talk

Type of support

Online advice for nutrition and healthy eating, additional needs and disabilities and sleep

Who is it for


Name of service

Better Health Healthier families / NHS

Type of support

Advice and links on simple food swaps for meals and lunch boxes for healthier living

Who is it for

Professionals/ Parents/ Carers

Name of service

Better Health Healthier families

Type of support

This site provides advice on food, activities, and children weight. It provides information on routine checks at schools

Who is it for


Name of service

Cancer Care Map

Type of support

Cancer Care map is a simple, online resource that helps you find cancer support services in the local area

Who is it for

Professionals/ parents/ carers

Name of service

CAPT Child Accident Prevention Trust 

Type of support

Working to reduce serious injury and accidents in children. Free safety advice, leaflets and resources to parents and professionals

Who is it for


Name of service

Dentaid – mobile dentist

Type of support

Mobile dental unit providing outreach dental clinics for people who struggle to access dentists

Who is it for

Adults, children


Welcome to Dentaid The Dental Charity – Dentaid
Tel: 01794 324249

Name of service

Early Years Inclusion Outreach Team

Type of support

Information, advice, guidance, forms, and links to support children in Early Years setting and the quality of your inclusive practice

Who is it for

Early Years Professionals


Name of service


Type of support

A national charity dedicated to improving children’s bowel and bladder health – support and advice from potty training to teenagers and young people with bowel and bladder conditions.

Who is it for

Professionals/ Parents/ carers/ young people


Home – ERIC

Name of service

Family Assist

Type of support

New way of ensuring that parents and their friends and families have access to a wide range of information and resources, both local and national, at their fingertips.  Information on areas such as child development, health, nutrition and parenting.

Who is it for


Name of service

Family Hubs

Type of support

A one stop shop within the community providing information and signposting free services, activities and support.

Who is it for

Professionals/ parents/ carers


Portsmouth Family Hub

Name of service

Getting Active

Type of support

This link shares a variety of resources to include activities such as walking, cycling etc.

Who is it for


Name of service


Type of support

Enables girls and young women to get involved in a huge range of activities such as climbing, abseiling etc. Starting age from 5 through to 18. With the addition of Trefoil Guild for 18+

Who is it for


Name of service

Healthy Start Scheme

Type of support

Free vouchers for milk, fruit, vegetables, and vitamins (vouchers number dependent on eligibility)

Who is it for


Name of service

Healthier Together Website/ NHS

Type of support

Information relating to signs and symptoms of illness in children

Who is it for

Professionals/ Parents/ Carers

Name of service

Health Visitor support

Type of support

Support by contacting a Health Visitor requires completion of the Nursery referral form. If the family has a named HV already they may contact through the duty team to task a call by calling 0300 123 6629

Who is it for


Name of service

HENRY programme: healthy start, brighter future

Type of support

Supporting the whole family to make positive lifestyle changes, creating healthier and happier home environments, and building healthier communities.

Who is it for

Families, professionals


About us | HENRY

Name of service

I can

Type of support

Helping children communicate: provides resources, guidance and support in helping children develop their speaking and understanding skills

Who is it for



The  service is provided on selected days 9.30 – 4.30  for a free call back from a speech and language therapist.

For more information: About us (

Name of service

Institute of Health Visiting

Type of support

For advice on areas such as: breastfeeding; infant formula; weight; accidental poisoning; mental health; nutrition.

Who is it for


Name of service

Locating a Dentist

Type of support

Search directory for dental care

Who is it for


Name of service

Neurodiversity Team

Type of support

Dedicated 0-19 support team for children and young people with neuro-developmental needs: family support workers, child and adolescent mental health workers, therapists, an educational psychologist, and service lead

Who is it for


Name of service

NHS Support

Type of support

Services such as GP, optician, sexual health services, pregnancy services

Who is it for



NHS Services Near You

Name of service

Optimising Lives Improving Health Vitality and Education (Olive)

Type of support

OLIVE is delivered to all families at each mandated contact with the Health Visiting service but is also designed to be bespoke to each individual child and family to support healthy living.

Who is it for

Families, professionals



Name of service

Over the Wall

Type of support

Over The Wall is a UK based charity for children aged 0-17 with health challenges and disabilities, and their families, to discover a world of mischief and magic. A place where they can be brave and have fun with others

Who is it for


Name of service

PCC – school transport and travel

Type of support

Support for school transport

Who is it for


Name of service

Play Youth Community

Type of support

Information about adventure playgrounds, youth clubs, activities, community centres & HAF programme

Who is it for

Parents/carers/ young people

Name of service

Pompey in the Community

Type of support

Charity to promote education, healthy living sporting participation of all ages

Who is it for



Pompey ITC

Name of service

Portsmouth Scouts 

Type of support

Scouts offer provision from age 4-25 and have a 25+ Active Support group

Who is it for


Name of service

Puberty – support for children and young people

Type of support

Range of support for children and young people who are starting puberty – practical advice and support

Who is it for

Children and young people

Name of service

RCPCH – Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

Type of support

Advice for whether a child’s illness can still allow them to attend school or nursery

Who is it for


Name of service

Registering for a GP and Dentist

Type of support

Basic registration and health guidance and support A-Z

Who is it for


Name of service

School Nursing Service

Type of support

Support the health and wellbeing of school age children and deliver some childhood vaccinations

Who is it for


Name of service

The Children’s Therapy Service

Type of support

Includes support with Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Podiatry – for children registered in Hampshire, Southampton or Portsmouth

Who is it for



Children’s Therapy Service | Solent

For information including timescales on a waiting list the service can be contact between Monday – Friday 8- 5 on 0300 300 2019

Name of service

The Lullaby Trust

Type of support

Sleep advice for your baby, bereavement support and support designed for young parents.

Who is it for

Professionals /parents/carers


Help – The Lullaby Trust

Tel: 0808 802 6869

Name of service

Tom’s Trust

Type of support

Guidance and games to help adults support siblings of a child with cancer.

Who is it for

Professionals / parents