Courses provided by Stop Domestic Abuse
Contact details:
Tel No: 0330 0533 530
Freedom – 12 Week Course
The Freedom Programme is about abusive and controlling behaviour in relationships. The course runs for 12 weeks. Each week looks at a different aspect of behaviour, looking at what the abuse says and how it is said, what the abuser does and why we believe them. It helps to identify the common tactics to gain power and control
Own My Life – 12 Week Course
The Own My Life course is an innovative, creative and educational 12-week course for women. It aims to support women in regaining ownership of their lives when they have been subjected to abuse or violence by a partner. The course uses multimedia content to explain complex concepts about trauma and abuse in easy to understand video clips, along with videos which evidence how popular culture reinforces or perpetuates
Adolescent to Parent Abuse – 6 Week Course
APA groupwork is a 6-session educational/therapeutic programme for parents/carers of a child/young person who is using abusive behaviours towards the parent/carer or using behaviours that the parent/carer is unable to manage