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Child exploitation and missing

Name of service
Type of support
Who is it for
Name of service


Type of support

Provides educators, service providers and parents information and education about online safety

Who is it for



CEOP Safety Centre

Name of service

County Lines Awareness

Type of support

Video clip raising awareness of County Lines

Who is it for


Name of service

Ivison (formally known as PACE)

Type of support

Support for families affected by exploitation. Understanding what it is and how to spot it. Video links, support and resources for parents

Who is it for

Children and young people, parents and education


Ivison Trust

Name of service

Portsmouth Safeguarding Children Partnership

Type of support

One minute guide to help complete a CERAF – Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework

Who is it for


Name of service

Safe4Me – website

Type of support

Provides educators, service providers and parents with information to help educate, guide and support children and young people to keep safe

Who is it for


Name of service

Safe4Me – CPI form

Type of support

Form to use to share non-urgent community information with the Police confidentially.

Who is it for


Name of service

St Giles

Type of support

St Giles helps vulnerable young people who are criminally exploited through gangs, serious violence and offending. They also provide preventative sessions in school and offer webinars for staff

Who is it for



St Giles Trust


Name of service


Type of support

Help and advice for online sexual harassment

Who is it for




Name of service

The Children’s Society

Type of support

The Children’s Society aims to end child exploitation in all forms. Resources to support professionals, parents and young people to better understand and respond to child exploitation.

Who is it for

Professionals/parents/young people