Portsmouth Model of Family Practice
What is The Portsmouth Model of Family Practice?
Portsmouth has developed a clear model of family practice for the city and the implementation of this model across all agencies is a critical element of our Children’s Trust Plan.
Family Safeguarding is key to this vision and we have had success in this approach in respect of PLO, child protection and reunification. Our ambition is to expand this further and use within Child in Need and potentially Early Help. As such we will be aligning more with the national programme and seeking guidance from Hertfordshire, ensuring that all of our staff have the skills and resources they need.
Within Children and Families the critical areas of focus will be as follows:
- Each family at Tiers 3 and 4 of the Portsmouth Thresholds has a named lead professional.
- High quality assessment, analysis of risk and protective factors and SMART planning
- Co-production of family plans
- Aligned and integrated planning: Some families will be subject to multiple plans from different agencies. The expectation is that the lead professional enables clarity and integration of planning, review and achievable objectives for the family so as not to bombard the family and make unachievable asks.
- Restorative conversations and circles to build relationships, maintain community and repair harm
- Developing the capacity to change in families – for example using Motivational Interviewing
- Use of the Social GRACES (Burnham, 2012) to support recognition of difference into our work.
You can find more information here on Family Safeguarding in Portsmouth.