‘Sexting’ is a term used to describe the sharing of intimate images or videos with another person. As a general rule – if you wouldn’t show it to your parents or your gran, you probably shouldn’t share it online! Once you send a message, you’re not in control of what happens to it. Remember – if a picture or video is of a boy or girl under 18 and it’s ‘indecent’ – (if it’s naked, a topless girl, contains genitals or sex acts it will be!) – it’s illegal to share, keep on your computer or on your phone.
That doesn’t mean you or your friend will be in trouble. The police understand that young people share these images with their boyfriends or girlfriends, even though it’s a bad idea. What it does mean is that if other people are sharing a picture without your or your friend’s permission, they are breaking the law and could be in serious trouble.
For further advice visit ChildLine and the South West Grid for Learning guide so you got naked online and the CEOP page selfies: the naked truth. Or view the award winning film wildfire.